Wednesday, February 15, 2012

the little things

DISCLAIMER: this post and most others henceforth shall contain foul language, personal viewpoints, and angry rantings that could be detrimental to people faint of heart or overly serious.  if such affects you negatively, then i advise you to stop reading now, and pull the stick out of your ass because this isnt the "roaring 20's" anymore.   end disclaimer.

have you ever noticed that it is the little things that piss you off more terribly than the major things?  that is the case for me at least.  sometimes i get so irritated and pissed that i want to just punch the shit out of the first person i see.  most of the time that is triggered by my roommate's (who is also my best friend) voice/face.  no idea why.  oh well, if only it was legal to beat the shit out of people sometimes just on general principal...  i think it is mainly because my roommates are ALFUCKINGWAYS around.  i mean, i understand that its kind of hard to get "Space" in a 2 bedroom apartment, but jesus rollerblading christ i need space sometimes, and having him/her/them here CONSTANTLY really bugs me sometimes.  granted, the alternative is living alone, and even if i could afford that, it would suck being by myself all the time.

also, i think someone knocked over my scooter, because now theres scrapes on the paint, and part of the whole freaking footboard\plastic frame is cracked and mangled, and it was NOT like that this weekend....  people need to fuck off and die in a fire.  just sayin...

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