Friday, February 24, 2012

soooo yea

its a new day and and with each new day comes new challenges.   i decided not to sell my guitar.  i had a guy with cash in hand, and i couldnt do it, i couldnt get rid of my baby, no matter how nice this other guitar was.  now i need to come up with an additional 300 dollars.  yay me.    
oh also im single again, so fun times there.
nothing else to report.

and as always, have nice day (said with thick russian accent)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wonderful World of eBooks

My new Nook Simple Touch eReader came in the mail yesterday.  i was so excited that i threw my backpack down on the livingroom floor and proceeded to open my package, like a spoiled tot on christmas day furiously hoping the present he is opening is the thing he wanted most above all other toys...  the first thing i did when i opened it was charge it.  it only had to charge for about half an hour; they were kind enough to give me a decent battery charge right out of the box :)
once i get it up and running, i immediately googled how to change the screensaver to a custom picture of my choosing.  i then proceeded to upload a picture of amon amarth onto it, because well, nothing says "badass" more than a viking weilding an Axe and giving a warcry (as depicted in the picture)
then i loaded a bunch of king, koontz, iles, and some other authors, and have been loving it ever since.  go me.

ps, its such a nice day today that i am contemplating skipping class this evening, but i have a midterm sadly so i cant. boooo.

hugs and chainsaws!

Monday, February 20, 2012


that it the title for the paper that, instead of writing, i am putting off to write this...  whatever, i care not.

so i had a 4 day weekend, and other than trying to record a few guitar riffs with a friend, going out to a movie, and playing tennis, i did a whole lot of nothing.  this makes me feel somewhat discontent, almost like i wasted the whole weekend.  oh well, i can make up for it next weekend.
during the inception of this blog, i thought that i would have countless rants, an endless abundance of rambling to fill these pages.  now, however, i feel like things to write are coming to me more and more difficult.

i fear this whole blog thing may be short lived, as there are only really 2 or 3 people who even follow this, and im sure no one would be terribly upset if i deleted it.  we'll see what happens i guess.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

whitney houston did NOT perform My Heart Will Go On....

so tonight i went to the movies with my girlfriend.  we were watching the previews, and they showed the preview for the titanic in 3d, and the famous "titanic song" came on.  i started laughing to myself.  i had a bad thought: i had a brainfart and thought that whitney houston sang it, and immediately thought "lol she's dead..."  i felt really bad for thinking that, which is why i started laughing.  my girlfriend looks at me, and i explain my madness, and she looks at me and says: that is NOT whitney housten, its CELINE DION.
lets just say that was the dumbest i have felt in quite a while....

there was something else i was going to post about, but i cannot seem to collect my thoughts at all.  oh well.

Lazer, signing off.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It Has Come to my Attention...

That writing with complete disregard for grammar on the blog is bad.  Therefore and henceforth, I shall now dedicate this post to the individual whom i shall the Grammar Nazi.

You know who you are...

Since this is the first post that I am hereby posting, you (and by "you" i mean everyone who reads this) should be happy and jubilant that all is right with the world.

End transmission...

speech tonight

i gave my first really major speech tonight in speech class.  i was totally unprepared.  i researched my ideas today on my lunchbreak at work.  i made a powepoint in 7 minutes.  i was just going to "wing it" like i usually do, cuz im good at that stuff.  i had a teacher in high school who taught us how to wing formal presentations with ease.
anyway, i pull into the parking lot of the college after work, and think to myself: oh fuck me with a chainsaw i forgot to email my powerpoint to myself so i could access it for class...  i didnt have time to go back to work and grab it, so i did what any self respecting nerd would do in this situation: i got on my smartphone and made a new powerpoint presentation :)  i must say, i felt pretty boss for pulling that off.
anyway, i get up and do my speech.  i was afraid i wasnt going to make the minimum time allowed.  i start talking and keep going, and it was a breeze.  i passed the minimum time mark, and ended like a boss.
can we say NAILED IT?
anyway, now im sitting here shaking because i havent eaten a thing since noon and am malnourished from the day and hopped up on mountain dews cuz i was nervous from the speech.  with that, i must depart to consume some hamburger helper and hopefully stop shaking.

Hugs and chainsaws,

come up with your own damn title

i think i am going to change my name to Lazer.

with a z...

that is all. can stop reading now.....
